My .02, Until all the polarization thats occuring today goes away, this, and other issues (which we all know what they are) are gonna be around for a long time.
How society got to where we are now is very complex, and our beliefs are interfering too much in the way we interpret our own laws. The only things I can think of, to
at least partially address this, and other issues like it, are compromise tolerance,
and a cool head.
ON BOTH sides. Whether we like it or not, it might work. Seems like nobody wants to try it any more. Until that occurs, this is a war that'll never be won, whether one is for or against the issue. It isn't the whole solution, but it'd sure help. This is not meant to be an attack on anyone who reads it, or a challenge in any way. Just what I'm seein'. My point is, this is a big deal, and it really shouldn't be. Live and let live.