Like everything else on the interweb, there are opposing statements regarding just about everything. One of those is the 'goo' factor. Some say that even one drop of 3 or 4 hidden in the system will react with the 5 and create a goo. Some say that's not true. What is it you think DOT5 would do for you that 4 won't? because without a guarantee of no 'goo', no swelling of seals and everything else negative being said about the stuff, I'd be reluctant to be the lab experiment for the truth.
DOT 5.1 is used almost exclusively in systems that require glycol based fluids of lower viscosity for ABS functioning because it's non-silicone, just like 3 and 4. DOT 5 is, however, silicone based and foams like a rabid dog in ABS pumps. DOT4 is the primary fluid used on just about every race circuit that I know of. DOT5 is (let the Europe guys chime in here) generally not available in Europe and those bikes that have DOT5 on the reservoir, are specifying DOT5.1 due to ABS. Since 2006, Harley has dropped using DOT5 in production motorcycles. They were the only motorcycle manufacturer to use 5 in production.
There are arguments that DOT5 doesn't absorb moisture from the air, which is true. However, unless you are using Teflon core brake lines, moisture will migrate into the system, no matter what type of fluid you use. DOT3 and 4 can be tested for moisture using cheap test strips from any automotive supply. Or, just bleed every two years to be safe. DOT5 will just float on the moisture as it accumulates in the caliper. It doesn't bleed out like the other types and the caliper has to be inverted so the bleeder screw is the low point of the system. Failure to maintain, just like any other brake fluid, will result in corrosion that can cripple the system when needed to perform. Most recommendations are to bleed once a year...just to be safe.
The price gets to me...$16 for Bel-Ray DOT 5 12 oz vs $6 for a quart DOT 3 or 4 at Walmart that also works just fine in my cars.
One final thing, DOT5 is more compressible than the glycol based 3 and 4. You will feel the there's one little tiny air bubble that you can't bleed out.