Author Topic: Replacement VIN Plate, a Review  (Read 3850 times)

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Offline pixlgeek

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Replacement VIN Plate, a Review
« on: October 23, 2014, 10:16:00 AM »
I was so impressed so far with the speed and communication of this company that I thought I would write a preliminary review.

I got my frame powder coated and needed to remove the VIN plate. I drilled out the rivets successfully but when I was trying to reapply the rivets after powder coating, the thin aluminum vin plate sheared off at the holes. This prompted me to start looking for a replacement VIN plate.

After some searching on the boards here I came across the site:


The plate looked identical to the one I was replacing and they offered an engraving service which was nice. ( I know the original VIN was stamped but I figured engraving may look a bit neater).

Anyhow, I selected my plate, entered in my VIN in the engraving box and submitted my order last night at 12:22am.

This morning at 3:06am (Less than 3 hours later) I received an email from the company:

"Hello Sir,

Thank you for your purchase; your order has been shipped PRIORITY.
Normal way you receive the plate end next week or the beginning of the one after (3 to 10 working days).
We send you the photo. The envelope is bubble and new, just check if it arrives damaged.
Although there is no insurance, the post company is forced to replace the goods when damaged. It has never happened to be damaged, but it can happen. "

Here is the part that really blew me away. They attached two photos with my completed plates for me to verify.

Original (Damaged) VIN Plate:

Replacement (Replica) VIN Plate:

The plates look really great and I got it ordered for $44.00 USD with free shipping.

I'll post pictures when I receive the plate but I can already tell that I'll be satisfied.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2014, 10:18:07 AM by pixlgeek »

Offline jaguar

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Re: Replacement VIN Plate, a Review
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2014, 11:25:43 AM »
I need to have that done on one of my bikes.
Will be sure to remember them

Offline Don R

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Re: Replacement VIN Plate, a Review
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2014, 12:12:39 PM »
Thanks for the update.  A couple years ago my powder coater removed mine for me after insisting he handled that all the time. Yep, blasted it off and re set the rivets tight. Gee thanks.
 I'll be ordering one too.
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