I hope so, gonna ask around about that fine.
Had a few hours to kill so went right back to the engine. Took off pistons, covers, starter motor (wiring is atrocious on this one), dynamo, shifter assembly, basically everything to split the cases. The infamous four flat screws on the countershaft bearing holder. Went straight for the big boy impact driver and it made quick work of the first three. The fourth, the crosspoint basically strip on contact so had to be drilled out, thankfully without much trouble (pic1).
Next undid all the case bolts, there is just insane amounts of the powdery anti-seize from the factory (pic2).
Then the cases put up a good fight refusing to split, but eventually the seal gave in. They weren't coming apart because the tranny wasn't in neutral and somehow grabbed on to the shifter fork (OCICBW, but there was resistance). I turned the final drive sprocket to get it into neutral and they came apart.