So I got a call early today from the PC shop saying they were having trouble getting the bearings out of the Lesters. I drove all the way out there to pick them up, only to find that they were trying to save the bearings
! I said I never asked for that and I'm cool with them being destroyed by side loading, that's what I'm gonna have to do to get them out anyway, only caveman style. The shop had a blind bearing puller which will work better. While I was there, I saw my cases and the cylinders fresh out of the oven cooling off. I asked if I could take them home since I'm already here, that's how I got them so quickly. Bob hadn't gotten around to the head yet because he was going to go grab four new spark plugs before spraying. I had my old ones in the car at the time so I left them there. Hopefully the rest of it all will be home sometime next week. Biggest thing still missing are the covers but Bob assured me there will be no color mismatch if I bring them in separately. Will just have to do one or two more trips I guess.
All pix below are with the flash on, under a bright light. The PC color is called Black Magic which has <5% gloss. Almost no overspray, the very minor spots I noticed wiped clean with some Aircraft Remover paint stripper on a q-tip. Also did that to the upper left side of the mounting bolt hole to ensure electrical contact.
Lower case: