Don't know what your budget is, but Buchanan Spokes are the choice of many. Can be had in Stainless Steel, etc. If they don't list a "kit" call them and tell them what you've got and they will get you the right ones for your configuration.
ALso, before taking the spokes off, make sure you check the offset between sides. What I failed to do is to verify the offset between the upper and lower sides. Caused me a lot of angst until I figured it out.
Attached is a decent doc on wheel lacing. If you look at the first picture in the pdf file, and look at the spokes to the right and left of the valve stem hole, the spoke to the right goes to the upper side. The spoke to the left goes to the Lower side. You need to make sure of the offset of these 2 spokes to get the spokes set correctly.
Hope this helps,