While you're addressing the studs for the cam bearing caps, take a few seconds to assess the other side of the cam bearing cap as well (where the bolt goes, not the stud). The studs, as you now know, have bottomless holes (i.e. exposed to atmosphere) and are best dealt with by applying thread sealer to the studs to prevent weeping oil. The "bolt side" of the cam bearing caps on the other hand, were originally designed fully enclosed. This was important because the oil feed to the cam bearings passes through this bolt bore in the cam cradle. I had a 78 CB750F where some goob of a PO used the longer cam tower bolt at the bearing cap bolt location. When tightened down hard enough this can "punch through" the bottom of the bolt bore and expose the bottom of these bolts to the atmosphere as well. These bolts have the added distinction, as described earlier, as having oil under pressure behind them, which I can attest will cause a profuse leak.
The simple check for this is to simply select your favorite fluid of choice (motor oil works) and make sure these four bearing cap bolt holes will hold oil. If the oil runs out the bottom onto the head below you will have leaks unless it is addressed. I only discovered this by accident after having already removed the head and installed all new gaskets and seals. While staring at the head, contemplating removing the head yet again, I noticed one of the bolt holes described had not filled up with oil (a lot of oil on the head after it's been run) and upon further inspection realized the bottom of this hole had been "punched out". Further sleuthing revealed the cam bearing oil feed passing through this bolt bore in the cam tower. I resolved this by using a stud at this location too, along with a copious amount of thread sealer. This permitted installation of the stud before installing the cam tower. I considered just using thread sealer on the bolt, but was concerned about packing the oil feed path with thread sealer while inserting the bolt. Also, it gives the next guy a clue and hopefully will make him say "why did he do that?".