That's the spirit when things go bad, just continue and fix it. You have really got issues. Your write up will inspire others and learn what to look for.
Tank with fuel will not overflow when tank is full or almost and built-in oil tank really hot?
I remember trips in Europe when filling gas beside German Autobahn. The guys at the gas station filled tank completely full. I parked the bike on side stand, had a walk and something to eat. Later when back I saw the smoke from bike when the gas flowed over the hot engine. Fuel oveflowed when tank warmed up by the hot engine and really full tank. I was a little bit nervous when switching on the ign switch and air full of explosive fumes....
My CB750 had a "leaking" oil pump without any problems. Tank was always almost empty over night. It was a chock first time but a friend told me that this is typical CB750 when I called him and before filling more oil. No problems during almost 100.000km with that pump. I have another pump now that keep oil in tank. Easier when pulling oil pan for inspection and clean inside, only 0.6-0.7 L oil came out. Before at least 2.5L.
I have opened my engine completely and replaced stuff 3 times since 2013, twice 2016. $$$$