FWIW I always wanted a BMW, from the first days I started riding. Eventually, after 26 years, I was in a position to afford one. I really liked the R1100RS and ended up buying one in Montreal. The missis and I flew over on the 'red eye' from Vancouver and rode it back to BC.
Within a very short while I realised that, you know what, the BMW is just another motorcycle. Yes, it looked OK and performed really well (the first bike I ever owned capable of cruising at 100mph, indicated), but dealer back-up wasan't stellar (nearest dealer 350km away), and it wasn't (hushed tones) really that comfortable. I had it for a couple of years, and 32,000km, until a student came up to me one day and told me that he had a friend who wanted my bike. I didn't lose much money on it and went out and bought a KLR650.
I don't think I would ever buy a new BMW. They have really dropped the ball in the 'looks' department. Wouldn't mind one of the first R90S's as a collector. But frankly I am having too much fun with Sophie and the Mistress.