After I made those changes I rode for 5 months before a semi decided to cut me off and nearly kill me. The springer was ruined, the handlebars were bent, headlight smashed, sissy bar tore up, wheel crushed, etc. So after I healed up I started cleaning it up. It was sill running when I started so I got a new springer(much improved in my opinion) and replaced all of the things that had been damaged. I stripped it down and painted the fender and gas tank as well. When I had my accident I happened to be listening to Bad Luck by Social Distortion so it seemed fitting that I theme my bike after the song. So that explains the paint scheme. I did it all with spray paint which I know alot of people like to look down on but I feel that if you take the time and prep right you can make it look damn good. This isn't something I am going to enter into any shows, its just MY bike and I like that the custom work is done by me!