Never really had to deal with bad accidents in all my years of riding, today my luck ALMOST changed.
I was commuting in on my BMW.
Riding in to work, 6 am, just coming off the highway onto the main drag and the road transition isn't particularly good. Lots of seams and tar snakes. I've never had a problem, but this morning - must have been some oil in the seam because my rear wheel slews out to the side. I'm thinking - here it comes - high side city at 50 mph. But then something catches, and the bars slam over to one side, I muscle it, they slew over to the other side, I'm straightening out, once more and then I'm back under control.
I pulled it over to see if I had blown my rear tire because it was riding squirrelly like that.
Not a single thing wrong.
Only event I could tie it in with is that quite a bit earlier I activated my rear brakes while on the road to make sure they were still with me. I'm wondering if my rear pads locked up on me and skidded the tire on the tar snake.