'76 CB750K
Bottom line,-
Bad cluck going into first, when started in gear clutch in I fell a surge(clutch sticks)
Full throttle high rpm in higher gears slight slip.
A new set of fiber plates, straight cut on the way. I have Barnett springs, they are heavier, will they be really stiff. This a commuter bike.
here are pic, does everything look normal.
stock springs-

One of the metal plates was upside down as to the others ones.

The top disc has wider tabs and angled slots

barnett springs, will the clutch be really stiff with these

All the plates I removed are 3.5mm

the are three holes in each area of the pressure plate

these were in the bike when i bought it

Nonfat Greek yogurt with flax seed, breakfast, wife making me cut back on carb intake.