I bought my first bike, a 1983 CB650SC Nighthawk Tuesday 4/7. So, last week I went to the gas station to gas up. Turned off bike, filled, went to start it... Got it to cycle through ~4 turns 3-4 times before battery crapped out. Come to find out that some how the electrolyte level was zero, nada. So Batteries + Bulbs refills and recharges. Claims the battery is still in good shape. Bike starts right up and off I go. As i begin researching what could have caused this I run into everyone and their parents having rotor issues with their CBs. Dammit I hope the PO just got a crappy battery or someone forgot to fill the thing. I don't know.
Today, I bought a multimeter. I flip the MM to 12V and pop the black wire to the battery ground and the positive to the + terminal on the battery. Was getting ~12v @ idle and just under 13V at a very fast RPM though, not quite redline... my tach doesn't work, FML. Anyways, I just got back from a quick ride back to the same gas station, only 2-3 miles or so from the house and check my battery without the key in the ignition it was sitting @ ~12.3 volts. Are these numbers right? I thought I read somewhere I should be getting close to 14 volts, maybe that was through the regulator/rectifier.
What's my next step here? Do those numbers seem OK or a bit low to you? How do i go about testing my r/r. I'm going to attach pictures of my MM and R/R as I have no clue where the ohms setting is. Do I keep my r/r plugged in? I've seen some 'guides' on testing the r/r but they're all very vague and I believe you need some general electrical know-how to read/understand them.