if your running retarded youll have a flat soggy spot off idle,if you crank the throttle hard you can get a cough or induction fart,time the engine to the max advance marks by using the strobe,slowly increase the rpm watching the advance marks move toward full advance,once they stop advancing with more rpm input set the timing there at the full advance mark,ignore where the timing ends up at idle and forget about the "F"mark for timing,think of the advance unit as a retard unit,it retards the ignition to let you start the engine easy,full advance is all in by 2500-3000,this is the lowest rpm you should be riding in,anything less is lugging the engine,these run happy around town in 4th gear at 35mph/60klm phr,when your riding the bike the engine is always at full advance,the curve itself isn't as critical as you might think,once your riding don't baby or try to cruise the engine too much.