Bike at hand:
82 cb650sc
Carbs cleaned throughly/ bench synced
Piston slides move smoothly
New jets:
148 mains (stock 120)
42 slows (stock 35)
AFR 1 1/2 out
Idle set is all the way out.
Pods... I know, I can't leave well enough alone
Open pipes 4-2
Pipes heat evenly
All cylinders fire, strong spark
Brand new intake boots
New 5k caps and plugs
Petcock vacuum valve has been removed
The idle is extremely high. I can only get the idle down by using the choke.
I've checked for leaks with propane. No change in idle.
Plugs are covered in soot, due to having to use the choke.
With choke on, it revs and idles great. I'm sure under load will be a different story.
I cannot take it for a spin yet, due to he fact it isn't registered yet.
What suggestions might you all have.
Thank you for your time.
Of course it idles high!!
You have not even mentioned the slide needle at all!!
The slide needle controls 1/4- 3/4 throttle. Meaning all most all of your driving.
You have skipping over the most important part. The slide needle position.
That 148 main jet is way too large.
Go back to a 120-125 main jet.
As soon as you drop the clip one notch ,which will raise the slide needle then
that high idle will go away.
No point in riding the bike yet.
If it won't run good in the shop forget about taking it out on the road. It is not ready for the road.