Yes, along with shocks, the state of the tires and forks too, will make a big difference.
I found that out on my 550- with the 30 year old Dunlop on the front, with pooped out forkseals, and old worn out fork oil, the bike was scary around corners- unpredictable. With newly rebuilt forks, new fork oil, new sporty tires properly inflated, properly adjusted shocks- handling is 100% different. Predictable, and not a hinderance to riding at all.
Also, remember, the two bikes you listed aren't modern sportbikes either- I bet the VF500F handles great, and also the Ninja 250- but I don't think either would do a "stoppie" either. In other words, they are newer than your CB, but they are closer to your CB handling-wise and equipment wise than they are to a modern middleweight sportbike.. I'd be surprised if the Ninja 250 has bigger tires than the CB, I know it's single disc front and drum rear.. It's certainly lighter, but still. I think compared to these bikes you have listed your experience on, as long as your current ride is 100%, you'll be pleasantly surprised. Just make sure you allow yourself a proper acclimation to any machine- don't jump right on and try to roadrace her just yet..