As far as the Impact driver goes, if you are asking about a hand type, a member on this forum Ilbikes sells a GREAT Hand Tool type impact driver as well as JIS spec screwdrivers (which I would strongly recommend). I would recommend you contact him about these. If you want an electric Impact Tool, all I can tell you is that I have a Very Old Electric Craftsman Impact Tool that works for me. (I needed to use the electric wrench to remove mine.) If you are looking at an Air operated Impact tool, other members will have to chime in.
For Torque wrenches, there are many different types. From the Old style with a bar and scale to the latest digital type. I have a relatively old micrometer adjust type torque wrench (Craftsman), but again, it depends on your budget and how accurate you want to be as well as how much you'll be using the tool to justify the cost.
In answer to your question about riding with oil in only 1 fork leg goes. If it were my bike I would not do it. You don't say how far you have to move the bike, so that may play into the answer, but I'll leave the answer to those that know a lot more than me.
Also, a couple other things. Take pictures of everything before you take it apart!!! As you take things apart, take pictures of each piece so you know what it looks like before and can compare to when you are replacing or putting things back together. Make sure you read the shop manual(s) a couple of times before doing anything. Would also suggest printing out a copy of the parts breakdown so you can tick off what you took apart and how it came apart.
Hope this helps,