Author Topic: CB400F swing arm bushing rebuild in UK  (Read 353 times)

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Offline Andy.GA

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CB400F swing arm bushing rebuild in UK
« on: November 24, 2014, 05:05:53 AM »
As part of my CB400F restoration, i'm rebuilding the rear swing arm. The plastic bushs came out quite easy and the coller tube inside seems to be in good condition.
I want to replace it with the bronze bushings i've seen around and wondered if anyone can do this rebuild in the UK, or is it just HondaMan in the US offering the service?

Or can anyone recomend a current source for bushings that you can fit succesfully yourself? I can only find threads that lead to ebay sites that have ended. There seem to be mixed reviews about fitting these yourself anyway, unless they're all matched by a professional?
