Well gentlemen, much to my complete dismay, I'm going be forced to pull the engine off of the bike. Darn thing is running very well, has no leaks and has put up some quick sixty footvtimes, ETs and mph. Unfortunately, those numbers have not been consistent. For every perfect pass the bike makes, at least two will end in a missed shift to 2nd gear. I've attempted to make external changes in hopes of remedying my problem. I initially thought maybe i was fanning the shift button because the grip may have caused an obstruction. I trimmed the grip but the problem was still there- no human error. It shifts into every other gear flawlessly. I changed the kill time. Same flawed results. I just replaced the shift button and tested this weekend. It wouldn't shift to 2nd.
The problem likely rests with 2 possible components. The shift drum or i have a bad shift fork. I will replace both in hopes of permanently solving this frustrating issue. I hate to split the cases at this point. I have zero oil leaks which is rare for a larger engine. If all goes well, it should go back together the same way with new gaskets in place.
I'll start the process sometime next week. I've got an a VW race coming up soon and need to concentrate on getting my little dragster ready. The bike isn't a priority at the moment.