I spent saturday disassembling the head and measuring the valve/guide play, cylinder bore, pistons, ring gap, etc.
I just received HondaMan's book in the mail the evening before, which is incredible (everyone NEEDS to have this book if they don't already!). So all the measurements were done according to the recommended procedures found there.
Bad news it it looks like basically everything in this whole damn engine is worn past spec!

Thought I'd post my findings here before pulling the trigger on a pile of new parts, see if you all agree with me.
Piston skirts measured 60.9 60.89, 60.9, 60.9 (From cylinder 1 to 4)
The bore measured 60.96, 60.98, 60.97, 60.98 (measured 12mm down from the top of the cylinders). According to the book, anything more than 0.05mm difference is 'pretty loose'. These range from .06 to .09, so I interpret that as meaning the cylinders are worn past spec and need to be bored, therefore the pistons will also need to be replaced with one size up. Proper difference should be around 0.02mm smaller than bore.
I also slide the pistons into the cylinders from the top, with the pistons upside down, then used feeler gauges to see what size I could fit between the skirt and cylinder. I was able to fit a 0.051mm feeler. The book says anything past 0.046mm should indicate a re-bore.
Conclusion: Substantial wear on the block, probable cause for burning oil. Re-bore and replace pistons with one size up.
Moving on up to the valves...
I measured the valve guide play. Here is a question - I've read two conflicting reports on what the max acceptable play is - Most people say it's 0.003". But is that the TOTAL play, or is it allowed to wobble 0.003" in both directions, for a total play of 0.006"?
For example, on Page II-11 in the HondaMan book, in the section for measuring valve play, there is a graphic of a dial gauge ranging from -0.003 to +0.003, for a total of 0.006" of valve play.
All of my valves have a total play of 0.005", or in other words, -0.0025 to +0.0025. Depending on the answer, my guides may be just fine (Hooray!) or quite a bit past worn (boooo). Thoughts?
Here is a video of me testing the valves. Sorry for the vertical orientation..
I've posted some photos of the valves as well. You can see the intake valves are nice and clean. There is no crap building up behind them.
The exhaust valves are black and sooty behind them. Would I be correct in interpreting this as meaning the engine was running either quite rich, or was burning a lot of oil, which contributes to the buildup in the exhaust valves?
- Order pistons one size up, with rings
- Take pistons and block to machine shop, have it bored out to a MAX of 0.020-0.025mm piston-to-bore gap.
- Clean up the carbon buildup on the head and valves. Should I lap them into place again, or is that overkill? Based on my valve guide test, should I replace these guides already/again?