If you open the engine, I can't stress enough your need for the following (in no particular order):
Torque wrench
PB Blaster
Some extra hair to pull out later
A good, stable internet connection
More beer
And a healthy dose of realism.
There's no magic or mystery to these things, but they are assembled in just such a way on purpose. Take your time, take lots of pictures for future reference, and expect to do things more than once, or twice, sometimes three times if it's your first time opening one of these up.
All those little o-rings, pucks, and washers are important. The steel ball bearings too, don't lose these little nasties all over the garage floor. Suggest a clean piece of carpet under the engine as you disassemble to help catch those critters that try and run when you loosen them up from 40 years of bondage and neglect.
Everything will take longer and cost more than you are planning. It's not a race, just go slow, step-by-step and it will turn out pretty well for you.
I'll raise the first frosty to your journey!