I've had guys try and work me down on the price of a bike before, or just stand there and tell me everything they THINK is wrong with my bike. I just tell them sorry, not interested in selling to YOU. My bikes are nice, kept nice, run nice. I don't need to be insulted by some pinhead that doesn't know jack.
This sort of reminds me of the bike on the cover of my book.
I spent a year and 3 months piecing it together just so, with almost every detail photographed along the way for the book. I had painted it 3 times to get it right, even! I still wasn't 100% happy with it, not quite. (It's that OCD thing, I think?)
Then a rider came by and saw it one day (I forget why he was here), and asked if it was for sale. I said it would be, when I was done: he has a short inseam and asked if I'd consider making some mods to it so he could ride it? I said I could, and we talked about what it would need to be lowered almost 2" overall. It took me another month to get the shocks and another new set of lower tires, and the 'platform' style K4 seat, all which are lower. In the end, it fit him pretty well!
When he came over to buy it that day, he brought along $(quite a bit!) more than I had asked, so I thought he wanted some more work done? Nope. He just wanted to say, "Thanks". I've never had so great a compliment! It's still tooling around Denver today. That makes this work worth it! For those who really want these bikes, I'm all for it. Just don't ask me to build a rusty rat bike: I like them too much.