Back in the early 70's, I worked as a sanitation engineer (garbage man) for a local city. We had a lot of fun on the job. We had really nice people on our route, like the older gentleman who always left a couple of cold drinks on top of his cans. We always placed his cans close to his house so he would not have to walk so far. On the other hand we had a guy who placed concrete in the bottom of his cans (Would jam the packer). One day I emptied the can as he stood there smirking. I told him this was the last time. He got smart and started to come after me. I nailed him in the chest with his trash can. He called our boss but nothing came about it. The next time he put concrete in the can, I tossed it back on his lawn and smashed the metal can into a hourglass shape. When soft plastic cans came out he bought one. He said hit it as hard as you like. When it got real cold the plastic became brittle. You can guess what happened next. There were no EPA rules back then. The only restrictions were no concrete. If 2 men could pick it up, we had to take it. I have a ton of funny memories from that job.