Hi Jonnie, Thanks so much for that information. I have an ongoing battle with Honda UK because they are banning the sales, in Europe only, of any part not manufactured by them, which carries the HONDA logo and they have threatened legal action to anyone caught selling them in Europe. This includes Yamiya/PMC seats. I do have a Yamiya seat myself for my K0 and it has a locking nut and the ends of the thread are peened/bruised so that the screw will not totally unfasten. Honda claim that repro parts may be inferior/unsafe but in my view the Yamiya seat addresses the problem of the pillion strap screws coming unfastened and the new K1 seat I bought does not. Can you do me a massive favour & check if your original K1 seat had a lock nut or or any form of distortion to the ends of the threads please? I am doing this for other members in Europe and the distributors over here of quality reproduction parts like Yamiya.
I know they can be imported from Yamiya / PMC etc. in Japan directly but it hikes up the price massively when you add in the taxes, shipping and import duty.
Kind regards ... Ash