I free handed mine pretty much but as Sohron suggests a template might be nice for those who want to attempt. And who's going to refuse the switch master right?

So here's a "blueprint" for you guys. A little rough but dimensionally correct. Just like putting together a gingerbread house. I used fiberglass resin as my gingerbread, from some packaging prototypes I had laying around, sanded to 1.5mm thick. But there should be other options for base material than that. Phenolic board probably best? Then a very small pair of clamps, a metric caliper, and a dremel are only tools needed.
The binder is CA glue. I found the medium thickness to be very easy to work with because it didn't run everywhere and sort of made fillets. Also the tiny slots in the side can fairly well be butchered and it really doesn't matter too terribly much as the CA will fill the gaps. Also on that note I glued the doodoo out of the pieces. If it ever comes apart I'm confident I can preserve all my original Honda bits by grinding away my newer materials.
Not sure how to post this to tips and tricks as suggested so if someone thinks that's where this needs to be let me know how? Hope someone gets some use from the info as I have certainly benefitted my fair share from the info of all you others! Good luck!