These are from my 750 k5. I understand that plasti gauge is in order here, but wanted to get others thoughts and comments first. I only had this engine open to replace the 3 chains and re-seal/gasket, along with the tensioner assys. The crank and cam journal surfaces are all silk smooth. The only concern i have, if it can be considered one, is, do the main bearings look ok to reuse in their present condition? The engine is original with 53000 miles.
(Notice the shiny spots in some areas) sorry for maybe a rookie question, just not familiar with the bottom end of one of these. The bearings are not scored in any way as well. I'd like to re assemble as is, and not have to sterilize the crankcase and associated parts just to check bearing clearances if I don't have to. All parts have a nice even, coating of clean shell Rotella, changed evey 1500 miles, and show no signs of oil starvation. I am going to service the oil pump while in there. Also, do any of you clean used bearings, and if so, what do you use?