Yep, any tight spots is a sign to replace the chain, and also the sprockets since they should all be replaced at the same time.
True, that's ideal, if you have money to burn. But, not economical or even really necessary most of the time, imo.
Lots of mitigating factors.
Was the chain lubed properly to minimize sprocket wear?
Was it a very cheap chain?
How old/worn are the sprockets?
I don't favor replacing sprockets if they aren't worn out. Certainly replace if the teeth start hooking.
My experience on the 550 is that the front sprocket will last over two or three new standard 530 chains and the rear sprocket is double that.
(Can't use an oring chain on the 550 without mods.)
Drive in sand and you can ruin all three components in a day.
Certainly all new components will have the longest replacement interval. But, the second chain on the sprockets will have at least 2/3 of all new service life.
Just chose the trade-off that you favor.