Building a bike with no moneySo with
most of the performance upgrades I would want already done on the bike, I immediately began dreaming up ways to change the bike and make it my own. I definitely wanted new paint and GL1000 front-end with spoked wheel conversion. These were the two big things on my list. There was of course lots of little things as well. The problemo was I had no money to spend on it.
I run a web design business and I began looking to find a person/company that may want to barter. That way, I wasn't spending the money while we were going through an expensive adoption, but I still got to work on my bike. After lots of emails and phone calls, I found someone that was interested. Kemp makes some of the billet aluminum stuff for DCC. He didn't have a website for his company, Ripple Rock Racers, so I emailed him and we began to work together. We recently finished the project and my new parts will be in the mail soon! I'm getting a complete new triple to accept the GL1000 front-end, gauges, engine covers, rearsets, etc.
I also picked up a complete GL1000 front-end for $150 along the way.
So that took care of a huge part of what I was wanting, but I still needed paint. I looked everywhere. I was willing to ship my tank/seat somewhere, but I couldn't find anyone that was interested. Then, I asked a guy at my local bike shop if he knew of any local painters and he gave me a number. I called the guy and offered him my deal: a website for a paint job, and he took it! He did a great job on it too. I'm very happy with it. He also took a lot of the worn parts on the bike and repainted them for me for free. (Not part of the original deal)
Here are some pics. First pics are of the bike just before I took it to the painter.