Having just gone through the process of painting an engine with VHT paint, I actually stopped and read the back of the can to make sure we weren't going to mess something up royally. On the back of the can, it tells you that the heat of the engine running will actually cure the paint by itself. The difference is that the paint isn't resistant to oil and other fluids until that curing takes place.
So if your engine ends up leaking oil again after it's put back together, you may end up with some splotchy parts on the paint. If I were in your position, at the very least, I'd apply some heat with a heat gun and would probably focus on the areas where it's most likely to see fluids. Remember though, the back of the can says it only needs 200 degrees for 1 hour to cure, so I'd put the heat gun on its lowest setting and make sure that you don't hold it too close to the paint.