This forum has turned to #$%* with all this gripping.
About Carpy, I have met him and know him. The guy is a complete bike builder. What I mean is, he makes a living doing this and he is great at it. If he wasn't great at it, he would not get $6000 + for a bike. In my opinion, he should get that for a bike like that. In fact, I am a business owner too and when you get good at what you do, your prices can go up. Why, you ask? Beacuase what you do and how well you do it sets you apart from the rest(considering you make aliving doing it). When you do something like Carpy is doing for a living, you need to charge more. Why? because your time is valuable. When you have so much work that you can't get to it all, you need to put value to the jobs you do. Go Carpy G0!!!!! By the way, he is one of the nicest most humble guys I have met. Cool accent too. Carpy, keep up the great work. If you ever need help in the shop shoot me an email. Peace