Plan is K7 tank, new exhaust, tidy up front end, fabricate new seat and tail. No complete picture in my head, hoping it will fall into place as I go

Before I could start playing however, I had to overcome a couple of issues. I said it couldn't have been ridden before, or at least not above second gear 'cos it got stuck in third, and the more I delved into it the more things I found to confirm it.
First up was a replacement exhaust. I sold the sh1tty Motad on ebay and the money I got from that bought a good used Marshall Deeptone. I've had them before - love the growl and the shape of the headers.
Not long after I got it home, the front brake began to stick on. A quick shuffle through all the receipts showed it had had a rear master cylinder kit fitted, but not a front. Given the bike was still wearing it's original 37yr old brake hoses, I decided to refurbish the master cylinder and replace the hoses with some new stainless steel ones. The calipers were all fine, and the new hoses cured the sticking brake.
I wasn't happy with the state of tune and spent a few hours one afternoon completing a 3K tune-up, but it wouldn't go to plan. Also neglected in the 'restoration' were the points and condensers. The points were cheap and very pitted, the condensers suspect and even with the baseplate shimmed I just couldn't get it timed right. Given the price of genuine replacements, and because I'm getting old and lazy, I sprung for a Boyer Bransden ignition. Second problem solved

Whilst doing all this stuff, it occurred to me that almost every nut and bolt I had undone was only slightly over finger-tight. So I spent another hour or so going around and tightening just about every one I could reach - including the finger-tight fork caps! Limp-wristed PO's piss me off

(Oop's sorry,wrong thread.)
Time for some pics. Found a good used K7 tank. It had a couple of dents, nothing serious, but the inside is immaculate. Removed the badges, rubbed down, filled, etch-primed, rattle-can black top coat (several!), and finished with Halfords fuel resistant lacquer (yeah right).
Picked a nice sunny day to flat and clear

Couldn't have done it without Spencer's supervision

So here's a pic with the Marshall fitted - temporary mounting bracket, I made a better one later - and a trial fit of the tank. Looks a bit of a mish-mash at this stage, but it'll get better (honest!)

You might notice the absence of the stock airbox in this pic. That's because the next travesty committed to this bike will be.....