I think I remarked earlier that a project is never finished, but I wasn't planning an update quite so soon

It dawned on me that I didn't have any replacement bulbs for my aftermarket turn signals, so I thought I would take one out to see what I needed to buy. Of course upon taking it out I dropped it instantly on the concrete floor of my garage...

I know we've all seen a busted bulb before, but we do like pictures don't we?

Anyways, suddenly I needed a replacement sooner than I had expected. I'm used to doing hand signals on the Norton, which quite frankly is a pain in the arse and can lead to some cheek-clenching moments (why don't they teach kids hand signals anymore?), and indicators on the Honda is a luxury I couldn't do without. So I set about looking round my local garages for bulbs.
Now here's the thing. Here in the UK there is no requirement for running lights, so it's unusual for an indicator bulb to be dual-filament. It's even more unusual to find one with a small head, and consequently I couldn't find them anywhere. A search on the interweb threw a few up, but by this time my OCD was getting the better of me and I was getting frustrated at the thought of having to buy dual-filament bulbs when only one filament was going to be used. I was also pissed off at the fact that these bulbs were more expensive than a standard single filament. Hmmm, what to do...
I had a rummage and found a set of four gash flashers laying around on the shelf. Best thing was, the bulb holders were for the single filament type I had now decided I must have...

So I needed to swap out this...

For this...

Of course, it wasn't going to be a straightforward swap as the mounting points were completely different. So I had a moment of enlightenment

Take an electrical connector...

Err... customise it...

Out with the soldering iron...

(By the way it wasn't until I saw the above pic that I realised the clip said 'Made in Taiwan' on it. Gotta get me an eye test


And voila! I now have four turn signals with cheap as chips replacement bulbs...

And as a bonus they all work!