Okay here is what I am thinking and please correct me if this sounds wrong. Production of the K2 bikes probably started around 10/71 to be safe, with frame #2,000,000 and engine #e2,000,000. By mid month 11/71 they would've produced my bike with frame #2,004,090 which would equal about 4,090 bikes in a month of production. Here is where things get confusing to me, If it takes them one month to put together roughly 4,000 bikes how could they have assembled 11,818 engines in such a short time unless they had a stock pile of engines leftover from earlier year.(which makes sense why Mark Paris said his motor was a reworked K1). I got 11,818 from my engine #2,011,818. And if they had a stock pile of engines what frame # bikes would've received say engine number 2,004,090 just for reference? The numbers just are not adding up other than with all our k2's frame #'s and engine#'s being about 7,000 off. There has to be an explanation for this.