Been off this one for a while working on another (big) project so thought I'd drag it out for another look.
Over Christmas I got the Head and Barrells Vapour blasted to reveal a few new problems.
First up was the Cylinders for rebore. There was some water damage to 2 of the liners so I set the tool to the biggest tolerance I dared.
It wasn't enough, there was still a shadow on one of the bores. After me and bsadave doing lots of measuring and research on acceptable specs, it would have been on the very limit of a good motor so I bit the bullet and put them back in the machine and went to the next oversize.
Other than lost time, the real bummer was I'd already bought the 4 new 0.25 o/s piston kits :oops:. So if anyone wants a CB750 rebored with new slugs, give me a shout!!