when GV was ordering the 45mm offset triples I had him take some rough measurements..... at the time I did some math
if we are to assume the neck angle is stock (probably not but it's a starting point).....
stock trail is 4.1 based on this very site's info page.
with GV's setup assuming stock neck angle, his trail would be 4.45
playing with the neck angle number yields an change of .25" per degree of neck angle either direction. With the rear tire size, the worst case is probably realistically 2* which would put him just barely under 5" of trail or on the other side about 3.95"..... so, either the steering damper is gonna help with potentially fast steering, or it may need to be removed due to slightly slow and "heavy" steering. Regardless, as Cal says....it's going to be more than rideable. And at the end of the day, if it's some huge problem it's a simple rear tire change that's what.....$80-90?