you would think my bikes are cheap old junk and I think yours is a hacked up mess.
Let me remind you what condition they were in when I got them. The damn bike literally had a tree growing through it. Lots of dudes use a SawzAll or cut-off wheel when modifying their bikes. How many do you know need a chainsaw to start the renovation? Nobody could restore this bike, and it wasn't even safe to try to save it. So it became a platform for a major modification. Hacked up mess, you bet it was at the start. But it had been abandoned in the
bushes since 1987 in the humid Sotheast. So it's first 15 years it was ridden. Then for the next 25 it was redneck yard art. What would you have someone do with it? Discard it? Part it out? (I sent heaps of usable pieces to Australia for a couple of blokes). But the motor was shot, the frame was rot, and it's life was
over! Until some foolhardy knucklehead like me decided there was enough to use to put it back on the road in a different suit of clothes.
Truth be told, I'll have over $15k in this project when done. That's right, $15k. Everything from tire-tire is new/rebuilt/upgraded. The motor is bored, coated, cam'ed, Mike R, and dressed with ARP fasteners. Modern electronics and custom frame and suspension work. Hacked up? Ok. Non-stock? Yep. But a disrespectful klooged up wannabe build by some know-nothing with black rims? Far from it.
It will not be a "show" bike or trailer queen. But it will be executed as well as possible without exception to create a lasting value motorcycle and the memories between my son(s) and me. You can't o that with a "new" bike and you can't achieve that only by "riding". It's part of the journey of cultivating new riders into a lifetime of ownership, respect, and pride in their machines.
There's heaps of blokes on this forum who build meticulously crafted bikes out of "dead" donors. FJ, Tige, Blackfin, Ouette, Wilbur, and so- and theres heaps of blokes who lovingly and meticulously restore these bikes as close as they can, some even do them too well. It makes all these projects great examples of how a single Japaense piece of metal can unite, divide, and stimulate so many strangers from so many diverse backgrounds. Embrace it! Even if you wouldnt be caught dead on some of them (as I wouldnt). But the people and their inspirations for "why" are worth appreciating.