So what's the correct helmet for a 70's era bike? Stupid question, or perhaps a useless one, but I honestly feel a bit overdressed riding down the road on my 550K wearing riding pants, boots, cordua jacket, and full face helmet.
I'm thinking maybe it's time to ditch the riding pants, stick with the Diamond Gusset Defender jeans, and go with a 3/4 helmet and goggles. Never wore goggles, always wanted to try them.
Yeah alright I'll go do something useful now. 
I'm not sure why everyone is hating so much on this question. A lot of purists here that restore bikes to original form with spectaculair results and then hate on riding gear having style. Why put so much money and effort in a bike and not spend a little extra on the gear you are riding in to complete the picture. Safety is my main concern as well, so everything I ride in is either leather with protection or kevlar type stuff.
Riding has become extremely populair over the last few years, google cafe racer and you get millions of results, so the gear companies have made their stuff look good finally.
My bike will look a little more modern, so my gear looks a little more modern as well. I have an Icon 1000 jacket for summer, with two sets of Icon gloves and the Icon Airframe helmet.

The helmet fits a super bike more and is the only item I don't mind looking like that. I have a 3/4 but after riding with it a few times, I had to switch to full face.
My winter jacket is an Alpinestars Team Win jacket, a varsity style jacket with full protection.

These won't look correct on a 70's original, but you get the picture. If you search the web you can find tons of cool stuff that is safe, high quality and looks nice. You can even have any pair of jeans you like lined with Kevlar and make it safer.
Have a look on, a blog by one of the writers for BikeEXIF and some other stuff, they feature all kinds of cool gear. Lot of Biltwell's and Bell's, but good inspiration.
Maybe this is an option?

I would never in my life ride with a refurbished helmet, like a few suggestions here. There is a company called Old School Helmets that refurbish old helmets, thus re-using the outer shell. I still have my doubts about it, as everything made from resin keeps curing because of the catalyst and will become more brittle over time. You may not see any damage and it may feel stiff, like the 20 ton truck story, but throw one at a wall and you see the damage. It's load bearing strength versus impact strength. Very curious to hear from an expert on this if there is one around on the forum.
Also paint and other chemicals will damage the resin and catalyst, unless it is a special paint. Drilling holes is not a good idea, because the structural integrity goes out the window.
The helmet is made up of layers of fibers that create strength by interlocking and not allowing a crack to spread. Unless you have an epoxy boat as a helmet, the new hole will become a weak point in case of an impact, since the edge of the hole isn't reinforced and will allow a crack to form.
This is from what I know working with fiber glass surfboards that do exactly this. Every possible combination of resins has been used but all deteriorate unless its boat thickness. Any experts with fiber glass around that can confirm or tell me I'm wrong?
Sorry for the lengthy reply, I've been waiting on my parts to be finished for the last 2 months now and I'm losing my mind!