Some chiropractors merely do their adjustments by the numbers and call you done and say see you next time on their prescribed schedule. The good ones are gentle and manipulate the spine without using ballistic movements unless necessary and they try to have you leave their office in a pain free state or as near to it as possible with the realization that some pain will subside with the realignment of things that weren't properly aligned. (If that's your issue.)
Some chiropractors are in it for the money and have expensive offices and very nice cars...
Insurance companies have eliminated the chiropractors milking them for massive payouts like they used to do, so it is harder for them to eek out the money they used to do.
I am skeptical of any who can claim they can get you pain free in X visits as they cannot know that with certainty.
Those that don't take Xrays are also scary.
If they don't know if your neck is full of spurs that are impinging nerves that don't show up in the neuro test they perform in the evaluation, where they have you looking skyward and then looking down and testing for dizziness, etc.
Then how do they know if when they crank your neck quickly to the right or left that they aren't going to drive that spur they can't see into a nerve causing damage.
Or, same for the spine.
Any chiro who adjusts you and it is painful to adjust you and they ignore that you tell them it hurts when they adjust, you should RUN from and never return to. You should find out what is wrong causing the pain. Is it muscle or nerve pain. Is it sharp and brief or lasting pain? Those are indicators of whether you are dealing with a muscle or nerve issue. Deteriorated discs and nerve issues and bulging discs all require different treatments.
I herniated a disc in my back in a workplace accident and sought chiro treatment instead of ER route. I have chronic pain in my low back as a result of that and while I was young and it calmed down enough it didn't heal completely and now 12-15 years later it has deteriorated and carrying heavy things makes it hurt constantly. As little as 40 pounds makes pain radiate out of my spine in my low back into my leg and back.
But, that said. Chiropractic care has it's place and good ones are out there. But, they are hard to find. Sorting the wheat from the chaff is difficult.
Proper exercise to strengthen the core, extremities, spine, back/neck is needed. So, flexibility and stretching exercises are needed. Yoga isn't a bad exercise for some people, as it can help improve both if the instructor can work with the person to help them with the moves to get down the movements. It can improve the flexibility and get you moving and it is a good work out. Lots of pretty women like to do yoga too, which isn't a bad thing, as long as you aren't a lecherous type. If you are the later, then you won't be welcome in a yoga class.
Getting moving and sticking with it and building core strength is important, and it doesn't take expensive equipment and a personal trainer once you know what to do. A can of vegetables weighs about a pound. A large water bottle can be filled to provide weight between that and higher and duct tape used to form handles for gripping. Doesn't have to be fancy for home work out equipment if money is a factor as no one is going to inspect your workout equipment. Got some junk pistons...what do they weigh? That would get a laugh from your wife I'm sure.
One or two sessions with a physical therapist or a physiologist or even a orthopedic specialist if they are willing to take the time to show you how and correct your technique and you are on your way.
Glad the epidural works for you. I tried them on my neck and they didn't work for me. I pushed it on one as one of the shots worked and I was hurting bad and begged for relief and it was too soon. It cost me $2200 for that mistake as insurance refused to pay and the doctor wouldn't reduce his fees at all for it. They would let insurance write off 1/2 of the procedure but wouldn't do it when I was having to foot the bill. Jerks.