-30 degrees F. Riding around town early (5:00 AM) on snowpacked streets. Snowpack that cold has some traction to it. One does need a very gentle hand with the brakes and throttle though. Long underwear, heavy socks, packs (which made shifting somewhat difficult), sweater and a snowmobile suit over all. Warmest gloves I've ever had - military wool gloves with fleece lined mittens over them. Full face helmet. The coldest on the highway was a thirty mile trip home when caught in a sudden blizzard. Four inches of snow when I left work, eight inches or so by the time I got home. Snomobile suit again. Temps were in the twenties though, so that wasn't bad. What was funny was the pickup ahead of me. I followed them all the way to town, and when we met a few days later they said they had considered stopping and offering to throw the bike in the pickup and give me a ride but it looked like I was doing okay. The CB650 did quite well. Narrow tires work okay in soft snow.