I wouldn't worry about light scoring (deep enough to catch your nail is still only light, in my opinion) as all the scoring will do is hold oil, which isn't a bad thing, but if they're worse than that, or out of round, it might be cheaper to buy another head.
The CB750 was very thoughtfully designed with removeable cam towers so it's not an issue, but a friend of mine had a problem like yours with an XL250 engine back in the 1970's, and he had an engineer make bronze inserts. (he reamed out the old aluminum surfaces and "shrunk" in the bronze inserts)
This apparently, was a pretty common "fix" here in Oz, back then, but nowadays engineers will probably just tell you to source another head, unless you can find an "old school" guy to do it for you, but once again, it'll probably cost a lot more than the EBay item. Cheers, Terry.