Please don't take this the wrong way, but I always get alarmed when I see people throwing money at problems. If you're getting intermittent spark, then you'll want to do some testing to see exactly what's causing problems. First, it saves you money, and second, it's easy enough to make mistakes (and I mean tiny mistakes, like grounding or not grounding something), and now you've got an issue that you didn't have before you replaced a module you didn't know for a fact was bad.
You got the carb back to stock- awesome. That should give you proper fuel and air. You need fuel, air, compression and spark. Sounds like you definitely have a spark issue, so check into that. Have you checked compression on it? I'd do that, just for gits and shiggles, so you can safely rule that out. It doesn't sound like it's an issue, but if you happen to have a tester lying around, I would.
Then start testing your electrical components.