Hello fellow SOHCers,
I have a 72 750K3 which I have more or less restored but, despite the bike looking the part there are a few performance issues. The bike doesn't start well, doesn't idle for more than a minute and when it is running it is kind of asthmatic and hesitant which has suggested lean running . I've been through the carbs three times now, jets are clear, airways are clear as per Hondaman's book, air screw, needle setting and jets are all stock (40 and 120 I think but can't remember right now as I type this). There are no vacuum leaks as far as I am aware (I wafted some propane around the inlet rubbers with no change in RPM). So, I am almost out of options other than coils but as I was observing the bike at tickover on the centrestand today I noticed that the inlet rubbers (which are new David Silver pattern parts) were visibly pulsing with the inlet stroke of each cylinder. The original rubbers were rock solid so I binned them when I was rebuilding the bike so I don't have any reference point as to how these rubbers should behave.
Is visible flexing of the inlet rubbers (deflection of a couple of millimetres in the radius) normal or could it be the cause of or contributing to my problems?