I follow such class. Normally it's for people who don't find a job and need a education. But you can follow it if they have little students.
-2 Years every monday evening (3.5 hours). Starting with 5 weeks book education (basis) and following up with practical engine buildup and maintaining. The second year you see the rest of the bike (not engine)
It costs about 450€/year but you learn to master your bike and learn to fix things!
+ You are every monday evening with something like 10 other Students who are FREAKS about anything with 2 wheels!
The mentor is a honda Dealer. So it can't be bad. And you get a reduction when you buy stuff at the dealer.
This is the first time that is really like to go to school

And my girl is happy ... "I'm mister motivated", "I want to do something with my life"

*yeah yeah.. Broem broem!!!*
A little minus:
AFTER WORK you must drive 1hour driving to that school. 3,5 Hours education + some aftertalking...(0.5 Hour) and a hour back.
So it's allmost midnight when i get home...