Hi everyone I'm Tim a 23 yr old student in Midland, MI I just purchased a 73' CB750 that I scored. I have ridden for two years now my 1st bike was a 72' Suzuki T250 and this spring I found a 85' Magna V700 that has treated my very well. But I've wanted a CB750 from the start.
Its slightly modified with a hog rear wheel, bronze swingarm bushings, re jetted carbs, a 4 into 1, a nice recovered seat, a classic 70's paintjob and a few other goodies. It was actually the previous owners 1st bike so he kept it for way too long just sitting. He was obviously very into this bike back in the day, it hasnt been ridden since 1990. I picked it up for $400 and I think I did pretty well. Its already in pieces with the carbs being cleaned up today.
This place looks like a great resource for me and I've already been reading hondamans valuable posts and gettin geeked to get this thing running.
here are a few pics of the bike when we went to look at it. It also came with a spare tank and a few other parts.