Back in 84 when I bought my Kawi 1000,I took the ignition tumbler to a locksmith and he built me a key.I hadn't actually paid $ for the bike yet because I told the guy I wanted to hear it run. He had misplaced the key and his copy of the title. I was a truck driver at a world- wide moving & storage co.(Four Winds) in California and this guy selling me the bike had just brought it cross country from Boston in one of our moving vans. Anyhow,when we were unloading that truck,I fell in love with the bike and had to really bug the #$%* out of that guy to sell it to me. After getting the key made, I had to dick around a bit to get it running (charge battery,add gas etc......the basic #$%*).I got it going and it ran titties but still had issues like bald rear tire,shot chain & sprockets,Misplaced title. It took me awhile but I took my new key and went to open the seat.Jackpot!!!!! There in the rear storage area was the title from Mass.(not the reg......the title!!!!),another key,tools etc. Man.....I was jazzed!!!! I miss that bike!!!!!