You could have saved the time and money and simply refreshed your current boots. Winter Green oil and water mix, boil the carbs in a pot of that for about 15-20'. Presto! Supple like your newborns backside
It's odd to me that you're running lean (notwithstanding the vacuum leak) with 100s. Even 98s would be too lean in my opinion. You're at elevation, much less O up there, right? Should be the opposite and make you
rich and not lean. I'd think you'd have to drop closer to 90s to reduce fuel sufficiently for a decent AF ratio.
If you ride at lower elevation during your travels, you're going to be too lean at say 1,500-4,000 feet of elevation once the O recovers to normal aspiration levels. And Lord help you if you dropped down near sea level- This static tuning of carbs is the only misgiving about them if you live in moutainous terrain and ride up and over and down again for the best scenery. Your bike will run well, then bog, then cough, then be healthy.
You might Ping Hondaman for some thoughts on a good all-around tune configuration for your geo. I'm certain he's dealt with this and has unique insights and invaluable recommendations for you.