I picked these up from Craigslist really cheap. The seller couldn't remember the exact year. I have a chart, but using a tape measure and a converter, my measurements aren't quite exact enough to narrow it down.
Here's what I know:
GSXR 1000, either '03-04 or '05-06. My very rough measurements come out to be 720-ish mm long, but both versions had a 720 or 730mm fork, so that doesn't tell me much.
Radial brakes and 4 piston calipers, but again....al four years had that.
Top and bottom O.D.'s are same for all for years.
The offset is either 32mm ('03-04) or 30mm ('05-06) and I can't trust my measurements enough to decide. I'm using straigght edges, calipers, rulers, tape measures, etc. and trying to measure center of steering stem to center of forks. I just can't be accurate enough to tell the difference between 30 and 32mm.
The only reason it makes a difference is that I need to source rotors for my swap. The '03-04 used a 300mm disc. The '05-06 used a 310mm disc.
Any help here?