He never asked for any of your opinions. He wanted to know who made the tires. I would guess the comprehension issues aren't with the original poster and he has every right to tell you guys what he thinks of patronizing, arrogant know it all posts that don't relate to his question.
So if he was going to touch a bare power line you would rather sit back and say nothing...?
He didn't make himself clear either, that would have helped, as I read it, he doesn't seem to know a lot at all> + 1 to what Prokop said also.... I blows me away when people make statements like this, Bikes have 2 wheels and rely heavily on suspension brakes and good quality tires to work as designed {far less forgiving than cars}, this same advice has been given to plenty of people here that respect it for what it is, GOOD ADVICE, he can now make an informed choice. You "I can do what ever I like regardless of the consequences" people seem to like setting yourselves up for a fall....Remember Fenders anyone.....