According to people, i won't make it if I purchase Firestone Deluxe Champion tires.
According to people who know, you won't have full use of your brakes or your motorcycles capabilities, especially in the wet, it will track like a #$%* on your grooved highways, Why make your ride less safe..? According to respected tire manufacturers, NONE build tires with 50/60/70 year old technology or tread patterns, for very good reason, just look at GOOD tires in the same sizes, and according to people who know, proper tires and suspension are made to save your life by giving you as much control as physically possible over your machine, something these tires could never do. You are absolutely right though, not all knee drag, some knuckle drag......

Mukinfuss, advice, especially good advice is usually born from experience, "this is what i did/used and this is what happened", also, "these are the outcomes or possibilities, make your own mind up" its more about having all the relevant information and then making an informed decision or just doing what you want regardless of that information, which seems to be the trend these days...