No no, it's all good mate i think this has been a very useful conversation.
I, also, have been thinking we could easily come up with an improved diagram. In fact, I would even go a step further and say we could probably suss out the SMSU well enough to come up with plans for building a plug&play replacement unit.
I'll keep an eye open for your thread!
The plug&play replacement is easier than the diagram. These 2 diodes should do everything the SMSU does.
The two diodes here are both rated for 6 amps. One of them connects Dark Green w/Red to Light Green w/Red. Silver band at the Light Green side. This is the diode that provides a circuit from the starter button to the neutral switch without turning on the neutral light every time you pull the clutch handle.
The other diode connects Yellow w/Red to Black. Silver band at the Black. This diode works when you release the starter button and prevents the solenoid's collapsing magnetic field from creating a high-voltage spike that can burn switches.

(And yes, I'll crimp on real spades although I kinda want to put it on a full 6-circuit plug.)
I should be able to test this sometime this weekend even with the engine out. There ARE a couple of differences. The SMSU reduces the amount of current through the neutral switch. The diode will put the full 3.3 to 4.2 amps through the neutral switch. The starter button already carries the full current. Honda uses the same part number for the neutral switch in '78 when they used a diode instead of the SMSU, so the neutral switch should be fine.
EDIT: Tested the circuit today and it acts like a functioning SMSU.